Coming to Walton

Created by Leslie 10 months ago

 I really loved your mum and dad and especially the way your dad would ring me up asking for what he could pray for us. He said he really believed God had brought us to Walton and covered us in prayer when we had battles with the Walton Churches who didn't like to change. He came one time to defend me when we were being attacked publicly. He was so gracious.
I used to love hearing his stories of when he worked on the steam trains, - we both loved the B12 locos !
Your mum and dad were really spiritual 'fathers' over Walton. When we were coming against a witches coven up at the Naze I believe it was their prayers that God answered so powerfully disarming the principalities and dark powers.
Friday 1st December will be a sad day for us and for you. Death is now past for them, they are finding heaven is far far more wonderful than they ever dreamt and meeting Jesus face to face and seeing the scars that meant they could go to heaven breathtaking. But for us the gap left in our lives who remain and try to carry on without them is huge. What a challenge their lives have left us. May God help us to spiritually 'father' and 'mother' others as we grow older like they did.   

Les & Ann Ball